Terms used: Biochemistry, atom, molecule, covalent-bond, monomers, polymers, solution, solute, solvent, ionic-bond, functional-group, nonpolar, polar, hydrogen-bond, amino acids, fatty acids, nucleotides, sugar, glucose, protein, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, lipids, DNA, RNA, Phospholipid, macromolecules, hydrolysis, dehydration, pH, acids, base, elections, neutrons, protons, valence, matter, water, specific-heat
Wordle link: http://www.wordle.net/show/wrdl/4198048/biochemistry
I choose these terms for the biochemistry chapters because they represent the most important aspects of the chapters. While matter and chemical bonds take the overview of the biochemistry chapters by explaining the importance of chemistry in biology, the four macromolecules, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, lipids, and proteins illustrates how organic chemistry is essential part of both biology and chemistry. Water is also another important aspect of biochemistry. Water is the universal solvent and has special properties, such as surface tension and high specific heat. The pH in an environment is also important. By having a stable pH, most biological functions will work, however sometimes, in extreme acid or base environment, some functions very little, some cease to function. Overall, the biochemistry chapter starts with the concept of matter and atoms. The subparticle of atoms, especially electrons, play an important role in bonding and reacting with other atoms, to form molecules. All organic molecules are built based on monomers, extended to polymers.
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